How to Perfect Your Cornhole Technique

Cornhole Technique

How to Perfect Your Cornhole Technique

There is a lot that goes into making the perfect cornhole. The prep, aim, toss, and victory dance are all key components. It may appear simple but the art of cornhole has many strategic nuances. So whether you’re considering going pro or simply wanting to show up your in-laws at the next family reunion, you can master your cornhole technique! Learn how to perfect your cornhole technique with these four simple steps.

#1. The Prep

One of the most important aspects of your cornhole technique is the prep. The way you hold your cornhole bag affects the trajectory of the toss.  You want to make sure that your bag is evenly placed in your hand with the weight equally distributed. If the bag is off balanced, it will conflict with your aim. Many “pros” suggest holding the bag between your thumb and forefinger.

Your footing can also affect your -standing- in the game. Your foot placement depends on what you feel most comfortable with. To have a more controlled toss, place your feet equal distance apart so your arms are the only driving force. Some of the “cornhole pros” opt for a bowling stance, where one leg is behind the other in a bent position.

#2. The Aim

It’s best to aim for the exact center of the board. Most people go wrong by aiming straight for the hole. They forget that the bags slide and end up missing. If you aim for the middle you are more likely to land on the board and slide into the hole. Even if you don’t make a cornhole, you are still racking up points on the board rather than having your bags in the grass.

#3. The Toss & Release

While the aim is all about the planning, the toss is where the prep and aim come together for the action. The key to a perfect toss is arc. Achieving the ideal arc is all about the underhand toss! Any other throw won’t achieve this. You want the bag to drop on the board with a small amount of slide. If there is too much slide or arc the bag won’t land on the board at all or it will slide off.

Do your best not to knock your bag on anything when you toss it. Don’t release too soon. Don’t release too late. Lastly, remember to follow through. The follow-through paired with the perfect aim helps the bag to be tossed straight.

#4. The Victory Dance

By far, the most important aspect of your cornhole technique is the… victory dance. This is: THE MOST CRITICAL PIECE. When everything comes together in one beautiful fluid motion to get a cornhole, you must celebrate with the perfect victory dance. Top it all off with a shimmy, a cartwheel, a robot dance, or various flailing limbs. This is also great excuse to break out some dad dance moves.

There you have it, the perfect cornhole technique! However, the real secret to the perfect cornhole technique is practice, practice, and practice. Give it a try and tell us what your secrets are to achieve a great cornhole. Maybe you will become the next big professional cornhole competitor!

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